
Balance your household chores as a couple

Evaluate, visualize and naturally achieve harmony in your home

My application allows you to:

  • Easily track household chores performed by each
  • Visualize the distribution of efforts in real time
  • Encourage balanced participation without confrontation
Illustration du concept

How does it work?

My application uses innovative technology to track and analyze the distribution of household chores in your home.
Each member of the couple can easily record tasks accomplished through our intuitive interface.
Our intelligent algorithm converts this data into clear and objective statistics, allowing for confrontation-free awareness.

Graphique de répartition des tâches

Global distribution of tasks

Évolution hebdomadaire

Precise tracking by task

Temps par tâche

Precise tracking by task

Start balancing your couple's life now

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Task Equalizer - Track and balance household chores with Task Equalizer. | Product Hunt